November 2017 Newsletter
Friday 3rd November. We were all pleased that Kay's sister, Lynfa and her sister-in law Sandra visited today. We also welcomed Wendy and we hope they all enjoyed their experience and will come back again.
Monday 6th November. I had a meeting with Meriel Gough Community Coordinator for the Rhondda valleys for Meriel to view our indoor facilities and discuss referrals.
Friday 10th November. We celebrated Bradley's 19th birthday today, congratulations Brad.
Saturday 11th November. Good Saturday turn-out. Jodie's 21st birthday today, congratulations Jodie. Phil brought along selection of his carvings, thank you Phil, great work.
We were told that Dickie is now in an induced coma to lower the risk of him getting an infection, we should know more in the next few days. We are all thinking of you, Dickie, all the best Boy.
Thursday 16th November. It is with great sadness that I have to let you know that earlier today Richard Mathias (Dickie) passed away peacefully in hospital. Our deepest condolences go to his wife Cheryl and everyone in his family.
Friday 17th November. A sad morning, we talked about how much Dickie will be missed and what a nice person he was. The photo heading the page shows Dickie (left in the photo) on his first visit to the club, it was 23rd of May this year, barely 6 months ago.
We were pleased to welcome Phil's wife Jan and Rhys to our session today.
Tuesday 21st November. A good turnout on a nasty morning. Sam returned after a short illness and Jan played again, she really is enjoying herself.
The bench in memory of Kay has now been ordered.
Thursday 29th November. More sad news, Yesterday Ken Godwin suffered a heart attack from which he died, all our thought are with Margaret and their families at this time. REST IN PIECE. Ken
Monday 6th November. I had a meeting with Meriel Gough Community Coordinator for the Rhondda valleys for Meriel to view our indoor facilities and discuss referrals.
Friday 10th November. We celebrated Bradley's 19th birthday today, congratulations Brad.
Saturday 11th November. Good Saturday turn-out. Jodie's 21st birthday today, congratulations Jodie. Phil brought along selection of his carvings, thank you Phil, great work.
We were told that Dickie is now in an induced coma to lower the risk of him getting an infection, we should know more in the next few days. We are all thinking of you, Dickie, all the best Boy.
Thursday 16th November. It is with great sadness that I have to let you know that earlier today Richard Mathias (Dickie) passed away peacefully in hospital. Our deepest condolences go to his wife Cheryl and everyone in his family.
Friday 17th November. A sad morning, we talked about how much Dickie will be missed and what a nice person he was. The photo heading the page shows Dickie (left in the photo) on his first visit to the club, it was 23rd of May this year, barely 6 months ago.
We were pleased to welcome Phil's wife Jan and Rhys to our session today.
Tuesday 21st November. A good turnout on a nasty morning. Sam returned after a short illness and Jan played again, she really is enjoying herself.
The bench in memory of Kay has now been ordered.
Thursday 29th November. More sad news, Yesterday Ken Godwin suffered a heart attack from which he died, all our thought are with Margaret and their families at this time. REST IN PIECE. Ken