Newsletter March 2019
Friday 1st March (St David's Day) 87 Year old David looking very smart on St David's Day (We are all proud of you Dave). Chris is not here this morning. Sadly her father passed away early yesterday morning, everyone at the club sends their condolences to Chris and her family.
Saturday 2nd March. We did the draw for the Short Mat Competition today, GOOD LUCK EVERYONE
Tuesday 5th March. Our short mat bowling tournament began today. Alun Clemas is recovering at home after his accident which resulted in a rib injury. Everyone at the club are hoping to see you back ASAP.
Saturday 9th March. The first round of the short mat bowls was completed today. Shock result in the first round, Susan Anderson losing to newcomer Alan Roberts after a measure for shot on the last end. Well done Alan.
We made the draw for the kurling competition and are hoping that the kurling will be as exciting as the short mat is proving to be.
Tuesday 12th March. Our Kurling tournament began today. We celebrated David Morgan's 66th birthday with a special buffet provided by our members.
Friday 22nd March. Chris and I returned from our short break to find that the club had been broken into. Due to the need for the police to investigate, we had to cancel today's session.
Saturday 23rd March. Back to normal today. we thank Carole for opening the club while we were away. It was nice to have Pat and David Havard back with us.
We wished all the best to the bowlers who are taking a break next week in Eastbourne.
Sadly, Chris's mother passed away Thursday evening. all our members thoughts are with Chris and her family.
Tuesday 26th March. Considering some of our members away, we had a large turnout. Lauren was here as well and with it being her birthday tomorrow, we heartily sang Happy Birthday at our end of session refreshments.
Friday 29th March. Lovely morning. We started with the Head Basket Game (see pictures), We were pleased to welcome Imogen From the C.S.J. (The Centre for Social Justice) to our session today.
She stayed for the full session, joining in a game of Kurling and our end of session refreshments. Imogen then had a discussion with us about how and why we joined the club and the benefits enjoyed by doing so etc,.
Saturday 30th March. Our last session of the month. We welcomed back our members from their break in Eastbourne. We are now looking forward to our last week of the winter season.
Saturday 2nd March. We did the draw for the Short Mat Competition today, GOOD LUCK EVERYONE
Tuesday 5th March. Our short mat bowling tournament began today. Alun Clemas is recovering at home after his accident which resulted in a rib injury. Everyone at the club are hoping to see you back ASAP.
Saturday 9th March. The first round of the short mat bowls was completed today. Shock result in the first round, Susan Anderson losing to newcomer Alan Roberts after a measure for shot on the last end. Well done Alan.
We made the draw for the kurling competition and are hoping that the kurling will be as exciting as the short mat is proving to be.
Tuesday 12th March. Our Kurling tournament began today. We celebrated David Morgan's 66th birthday with a special buffet provided by our members.
Friday 22nd March. Chris and I returned from our short break to find that the club had been broken into. Due to the need for the police to investigate, we had to cancel today's session.
Saturday 23rd March. Back to normal today. we thank Carole for opening the club while we were away. It was nice to have Pat and David Havard back with us.
We wished all the best to the bowlers who are taking a break next week in Eastbourne.
Sadly, Chris's mother passed away Thursday evening. all our members thoughts are with Chris and her family.
Tuesday 26th March. Considering some of our members away, we had a large turnout. Lauren was here as well and with it being her birthday tomorrow, we heartily sang Happy Birthday at our end of session refreshments.
Friday 29th March. Lovely morning. We started with the Head Basket Game (see pictures), We were pleased to welcome Imogen From the C.S.J. (The Centre for Social Justice) to our session today.
She stayed for the full session, joining in a game of Kurling and our end of session refreshments. Imogen then had a discussion with us about how and why we joined the club and the benefits enjoyed by doing so etc,.
Saturday 30th March. Our last session of the month. We welcomed back our members from their break in Eastbourne. We are now looking forward to our last week of the winter season.